BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – The World Health Organization (WHO) is under fire after Taiwan released the contents of a December email inquiring about the person to person spread of COVID-19, saying it was instead ignored by WHO and denied adequate information to fight the virus.

Taiwan is accusing the WHO of downplaying the severity and spread of the coronavirus in an attempt to pander to China even after Taiwan sounded the alarm about at least seven cases of atypical pneumonia that they were aware of in Wuhan where the virus originated.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus responded to the accusation from Taiwan. “Yes, it’s true Taiwan sent us a memo in December, but they are ignoring the obvious,” he began. “Christmas was approaching, and to listen to Taiwan could’ve ruined the seasonal cheer around the globe. People were shopping and exchanging gifts, and at the time we deemed it inappropriate to warn the planet about the possible deadly disaster on the horizon and steal their joy. And secondly, I will personally see to it that Taiwan receives all the medical treatment it needs for people suffering from radiation, providing China attacks them per my recommendation, with nuclear bombs.”