BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – New York Times writer Amy Chozick, a veteran of presidential campaign trails, doesn’t think Joe Biden is doing well trying to campaign amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“Nothing beats traveling the country and talking directly to voters. Still, you can imagine that the right candidate could do exactly that very effectively via social media. I don’t think Joe Biden is that candidate,” Chozick told Fourth Watch editor Steve Krakauer as part of his interview series.

Joe Biden responded to Chozick’s opinion. “That New York Times reporter is trying to allege that I am out of touch,” he began. “Well, she’s wrong and I have a game plan to stay in touch with the average citizen in this great nation. First of all, I plan on becoming pen pals with people all over the country. And every week, I am going to film myself giving my perspective of what’s going on in this nation, and send the VCR tapes out to all of my pen pals, so they can play them on their VCR gizmos, and watch them on their Philco or Curtis Mathes tvs. That way, people will know where I stand on all issues, whether they are relaxing on the beaches in California, or flying into New York City on TWA, heading to Yankee Stadium to watch Babe Ruth play.”