BREAKING NEWS – Alexandria, Virginia – Terry McAuliffe and Glenn Youngkin sparred during the second and final debate of Virginia’s governor’s race, but it was one comment on schools by McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate, that drew the ire of conservatives.

“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” McAuliffe, who previously served as governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018, said during the debate.

McAuliffe made the remarks in response to Youngkin, the Republican candidate, who argued that parents should be more involved in the decisions of local school districts.

“In my opinion parents don’t teach their kids enough about sex,” explained McAuliffe. “If things were done my way, by the time a child is in the third grade, they should be educated about what it takes to make a baby, so they will be prepared to be analytical when we start showing them pornographic movies during recess once they’re in the fourth grade. I believe we should wait until they are in high school before introducing them into bondage, unless the grammar school student displays and acceptable level of maturity.”