BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – Conservatives are telling Black Americans not to believe Democrats promising them reparations, but that they are being manipulated in a “cynical bait and switch” for votes.

“I would tell every Black American who believes that the Democrats will come up with a policy that will solve all their problems, and that money will solve all of their problems, to dig into the history,” former Princeton professor, Dr. Carol Swain, told Fox News Digital. “Look at the people who are making those promises. Have they come through in the past? Why do you believe them now? They promise the moon and they deliver nothing.”

Rep. Cori Bush D-Mo. was caught on a hot mic responding to Swain’s comments. “We can use some of what Carol said to our benefit,” she stated to one of her staffers. “We’ll tell gullible blacks that the money is literally on the moon, and it’s up to them to go there and get it.”