BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – Disney insisted it’s not selling ABC “at this time” last week amid ongoing speculation, but the company admitted it’s open to “a variety of strategic options” for the network and a sale could have major ramifications for ABC News.

Many industry insiders and watchdogs alike have insisted network TV news is becoming obsolete for years, but ABC’s newscasts still draw serviceable audiences able of turning a profit. “Good Morning America” has been averaging nearly three million viewers each morning and “World News Tonight” is typically the most-watched newscast on broadcast TV.

Anchors Robin Roberts, George Stephanopoulos, Michael Strahan and David Muir are paid handsomely, and a new owner without Disney’s deep pockets might not be willing to shell out eight-figure salaries to talent.

Disney told George Stephanopoulos that his job is secure. Not as a morning news anchor, but as back-up for one of the seven dwarfs.