BREAKING NEWS Grantsville, Utah – A Utah man’s pole dancing skeleton display has residents picking sides after city officials called for the risqué display to be taken down.

Christopher Fujishin’s skeleton display featured two skeletal onlookers “watching” a skeleton with a purple wig “dancing” on a stop sign near his home in Grantsville, Utah.

“Maybe a little risqué for some people but it’s all in the name of fun,” Fujishin told KSTU.

City officials clarified their position in a certified letter to Fujishin which read in part, “You have two male skeletons glaring at a female skeleton. Keep in mind, this is a predominately Mormon state. So, if you reverse it and have one male skeleton glaring at two female skeletons on a pole, that would be acceptable to us, providing you make it clear that both of the female skeletons are his wives.”