BREAKING NEWS – Houston, Texas – Texas State Sen. and Houston Mayor-elect John Whitmire took a parting shot at Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas after winning Houston’s mayoral runoff over the congresswoman in a landslide.

“People want to go to work for me because we respect people. We don’t bully people,” Whitmire said during his victory speech.

Whitmire, also a Democrat, appeared to be referring to Jackson Lee’s controversial tirade last month, where she was caught on audio berating her staffers with profane language amid the heated race.

“When I called Jerome, he only sits up there like a fat [expletive], just talking about what the [expletive] he doesn’t know. Both of y’all are [expletive]-ups… This is the worst [expletive] that I could’ve ever had put together. Two [expletive] big [expletive] children. [Expletive] idiots. Serve no [expletive] purpose,” Jackson Lee said in an angry voice in one part of the recording.

“The only reason why I lost, is because the audio leaked out of me interacting with a staff member,” explained Jackson during her concession speech. “Since then, I have treated them respect, and I have not talked down to any of those MFs.”