BREAKING NEWS – Wilmington, Delaware – Vice President Harris’ holiday party speech was interrupted by a Democrat state representative who called for a cease-fire in the Middle East.

Harris was in the middle of speaking at a Christmas party when Delaware state Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton held up a sign that read “cease-fire” and began yelling at the vice president.

“Madam Vice President, I am a rep from Delaware. Did you know in Bethlehem they are not celebrating Christmas? Did you know in Bethlehem, baby Jesus is under rubble? Why won’t you call for a cease-fire?” Wilson-Anton shouted.

The vice president cut off the interrupter, saying, “I appreciate you wanting to be heard, but right now I’m speaking in word salads. However I’ll say this. The U.S. is a supporter of Israel, even though neither I nor the president believes in God or Jesus, and our countless immoral policies proves it.”