U.S. & World History – Captain Kidd (22 January 1645 – 23 May 1701) was a Scottish sailor who was tried and executed for piracy after returning from a voyage to the Indian Ocean, and was one of the most well known pirates out of the 16th century. Acts of savagery on Kidd’s part were reported by escaped prisoners, who told stories of being hoisted up by the arms and drubbed with a drawn cutlass. On one occasion, crew members ransacked the trading ship Mary and tortured several of its crew members. New evidence is now proving that Captain Kidd, was indeed a kid that was only eight years old, and he prowled the seas to loot ships of their video games and snacks. He was eventually caught by a truant officer, grounded by his parent for six months, and no longer allowed to hang around his former ruthless murderous grammar school classmates and friends.