BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – More than a week after Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan delivered a blistering speech in Chicago in which he said “powerful Jews are my enemy” and “white folks are going down,” calls are growing louder for Democratic leaders and Women’s March founders with ties to denounce him or step down. Seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus have had ties with Farrakhan, according to The Daily Caller, which said it had reviewed videos and witness accounts. CNN Anchor Jake Tapper called out the duplicity of those who condemn divisive remarks and actions by the alt-right, but not the hate spewed by Farrakhan. “I am not going to criticize Farrakhan,” explained Tapper. “He was rumored to be one of the gunman that killed Malcolm X. There are simply certain black people that you don’t want to get mad at you. It’s called ‘self preservation’, and I as well as other uppity liberal whites know it.”