BREAKING NEWS – Sydney, Australia – An Australian ad for a new ginger ale craft beer was pulled after the country’s Ad Standards ruled that it was “discriminating” and “vilifying” people with red hair, Australian news site Mumbrella reports. In the ad for Carlton and United Breweries’ Rusty Yak Gingery Ale, which launched earlier this year, several redheads are shown while a voice-over says the brewery has identified the “ginger gene” and commands its audience to help “stop the spread of the gene.” Since its launch, the ad has received many complaints about its subject matter. One angry viewer started a petition on the site that called the commercial a “direct attack on all redheads and their families.” In a written statement, from Carlton and United Breweries, they stated, “We apologize if we offended any redheads, and we should’ve given this ad a lot further thought before publicly promoting it. In the future, we will focus exclusively on blondes, because those people are way to stupid too realize when they’ve been insulted.”