BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – The ACLU is now threatening to sue the NFL if they attempt to enforce the rule for players to stand during the National Anthem. “It violates their First Amendment rights,” the civil rights organization explained. “We also plan to sue them if players aren’t allowed to wear any uniform they desire during the games. No team owner should be able to mandate what color, style, name, or numeral should be worn while the players is on the field. That denies every athlete the freedom of choice. An individual player if they desire, should be allowed to wear a motorcycle helmet rather than a football helmet, instead of being forced to yield to dictatorial uniform rules, set forth by the racially oppressive NFL. We also plan to seek an injunction this fall against the NBA, that will prevent referees from giving a technical foul to any black player that argues a call. The current bigoted practice in the NBA shows the ‘Jim Crow’ mindset on the court, and it’s being used to suppress opposing opinions from African-Americans.”