A friend of mine who’s a vegan and believes that it’s wrong to kill any living creature including insects, was placed in a very awkward position a few months ago. When he found out that the walls of his house was full of termites, I was curious about how he would deal with the problem. I told him to contact Terminix pest control immediately. Last week, he told me that termites are no longer an issue because he sold his home. And he informed the buyer “after” the papers were signed, of his strong objections to killing the destructive pests. Apparently the new owner didn’t believe in killing any living creatures either, because he only pistol whipped my friend instead of shooting him. Funny things aside, termites are a real pest and can seriously destroy your home so doing nothing is sometimes just not an option, if this is the case for you then try contacting someone like termite control los angeles they will be able to advise you of your best course of action.