Dear Blake,

I am the father of four, two boys and two girls, ranging in age from late teens to mid-20s. I was extremely close with all of them until my divorce seven years ago. Most would say they were closer to me than to their mom.

My boys still talk to me, and we have a great relationship, but my two girls stopped talking to me. To this day, I send each of them a check for $150 on their birthdays and on Christmas. The girls sure do cash their checks, but they never send a text or email a thank you.

My feelings border on deep hurt and anger. Should I send one last check explaining how they have hurt me and tell them goodbye, or continue sending checks, hoping they’ll contact me in the future? It isn’t easy for me to afford $150 eight times a year.

Signed, Andy
From Richmond, Virginia

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Dear Andy,

It’s sad that your daughters are now snubbing you. And it’s going to even be sadder for them, after you follow my advice when you start snubbing those two ungrateful losers. Here are some of my suggestions. Tell your daughters that the $150.00 you have been sending them was a loan, and they better pay it back with interest, or you’ll see them in small claims court. Or, tell them that you emotionally struggle when you are around them, because you found out that only one of them is biologically yours. Or, this idea. Tell your daughters that you are now happy in a new relationship, and they know the lady because it’s one of their previous classmates. And this last idea is my favorite. Tell your daughters that they are growing more and more like their mother, and after they finally get married, their husbands will definitely leave them too. I hope this helps.
