Dear Blake,

I have a friend I’ve known for 30 years. We have shared many good times together and feel like family. The problem is, she cuts me off during every phone conversation. It doesn’t matter if I’m talking about the weather or something I think is important — she interrupts me in mid-sentence and announces she has to go, for whatever reason. She has done this for years, but lately it’s gotten worse.

She’s in a new marriage, and we rarely talk anymore. But when we do, it’s a given that as soon as I get into talking, she has to go. I never do that to her. I listen patiently and quietly while she tells me about her life. Should I just forget about our friendship and stop answering her calls? Telling her will only make her mad to the point that she won’t talk to me anymore anyway.

Signed, Carolyn
From Dover, Delaware

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Dear Carolyn,

Cutting you off mid-sentence is the epitome of rude and selfish. In my opinion, the only thing you should do, is to be even more rude to her, to the point that it appears as if you’d love to start a bonfire with the Book of Etiquette. Here are some suggestions I think you should consider.  When she starts talking, you should too simultaneously, speaking considerably louder than her. And when she insists one person speaks at a time, always make sure you go first. Or, yawn a lot when she speaks to let her know indirectly how bored you are when you hear her voice. Or this idea. Turn your tv up loud and watch a comedy when she calls, and make sure you’re laughing out loud at a “funny scene”, when she’s talking about a serious subject. Lastly, this suggestion. Anytime she’s speaking, begin texting a friend, while constantly asking her to repeat herself. And then tell her that you are sending a very “important” text to someone you actually enjoy communicating with. I hope this helps.
