Dear Blake,

A family member has six cats and wants to have the Thanksgiving meal at her house. Every time I eat there, I find cat hair on the table, on the plates, and in the food. I don’t want to cause hard feelings, but how do I handle this? I’m allergic to cats.

Signed, Sandy
From Little Rock, Arkansas

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Dear Sandy,

Many pet owners love their cats and consider them part of the family. However seeing cat hair near and in  some food you’re about to consume is disgusting! I’m guessing that more than likely, the family member that you’re referring to does not have a problem with the smell of kitty litter that has gone a couple of weeks without being changed. You can let them know how you feel, by putting them in a similar position. Invite them over for some homemade soup and have your dog (if you have one) sit near them as they chow down. Tell them that to eat a little faster, because they are eating from a bowl that is usually filled with dog food and it’s close to feeding time. But, if you have to go to this family function, here is my suggestion. If the Thanksgiving dinner is at a house instead of an apartment on a second floor or lower, while no one is looking, toss the cats one at a time out of the window. Even if these felines fall into traffic, people normally brake for cats… unless you live in New York City. I hope this helps.
