Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I’m an atheist and I always will be. But, if I’m wrong and there is a hell, I can handle it. I work out every day, I’m in better shape than anyone I know, and I have never lost a fight in my life. All of my friends will tell you that I am a very tough man. If hell exists, I’m pretty sure I can adjust and easily deal with it. What do you have to say about that?

Signed, Nelson
From Arlington, Texas

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Dear Nelson,

It’s good that you stay in shape, and I think we should all be more health conscious. But if you really believe you can handle the intense heat of hell, let’s put it to a test. Beginning tomorrow, to start your day, wash your face in some water as it boils over a stove. For breakfast, immediately eat some food right out of the oven that’s been cooking for at least an hour at 450 degrees, but first remove the pan from the oven without using a mitten or anything else. After that, take a trip to Hawaii, and go skinny dipping in the lava of an active volcano. Once you’ve finish doing those things, contact me again so I can give you some more tips to prep you for your eternal destination. One last bit of info, according to Revelation 20:14, hell is eventually tossed into the lake of fire. And in case you wanted to know, life preservers and flotation devices won’t benefit you there. I hope this helps.
