Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

I am getting married in the very near future. I am obviously happy about that, but here’s the problem. My mother-in-law to be is trying to take over the wedding from all aspects, from the guest list to the design of the cake. I want to tell her that I want to make all my decisions, but I don’t want to cause any friction. How do you think I should handle this?

Signed, Melani
From Stratton, Vermont

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Dear Melani,

Congratulations regarding your upcoming nuptials, as it will likely be one of the most important days of your life. And to insure that everything goes exactly as you desire, tell your future mother-in-law to keep her gnarled fingers away from the suggestion box. This is a common problem for young brides, having to deal with the relentless cackling of some old bat barking out orders. Ask her when she got married, if her mother-in-law get involved in the planning. If she says “no”, then tell you should be entitled to the same respect. If she says “yes”, then tell if she was too stupid to get things organized, then you don’t want to risk letting her idiotic ideas ruin your wedding day. And one last thing. If your husband-to-be does not intervene and tell that buttinski to mind her own business, then his mother probably has way too much control over him, and sometime in the future, he’s likely to be proudly marching in a Gay Pride Parade. I hope this helps.
