Ask Blake Picture111

Dear Blake,

Now that we are in November, I have to deal with the same yearly problem I have to endure every November and December, I overeat, bigtime! Not only can I not wear one of my favorite dresses during the holiday season, I spend the rest of the year trying to lose the extra pounds I pack on. Could you give me some encouraging words that will motivate me to stick to a diet? It’s important to me because I’m single.

Signed, Althea
From Jefferson City, Missouri

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Dear Althea,

I have no doubt that your annual issue is not unique, and all of us can use a little encouragement from time to time. Ok here ya go. Stop being such a glutton! How many extra helpings do you freakin’ need?!?! There are people around the world that go to bed hungry every night, yet you keep packing your jaws like a greedy hamster. If you keep this up, you’re going to go from waddling down the street, to being rolled like a beach ball. And when a man takes you to dinner, do you consume so much, that the bill forces him to miss a car payment? However, there is some good news in your plight. It could be a lot worse if the reverse was true, and you had ten months of overeating and only two months to shed the weight. In that case, you favorite holiday season dress would more than likely be the size of a circus tent. I hope this helps.
