Dear Blake,

Up until a few years ago I was a criminal. I made many bad decisions and paid for them. Then I made a decision to change. I stopped everything. Got into a program. Went to school, and got a career in a construction union. Got my daughter who is 3 and lives with me now in a single parent program where we’ve been for 6 months. An old crime has come back, and a warrant has been issued for my arrest. What should I do?

Signed, Anderson

From New York City, New York

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Dear Anderson,

We all have made mistakes and deserve a second chance. In your case, you might want to consider packing up, skipping town, and telling your daughter you two will be on vacation, constantly traveling in stolen cars until she becomes 18. If you want to remain where you currently reside, you still have options. If you’re a good and dependable worker doing construction work in NYC, can’t one of the union bosses pay off a judge and make the warrant disappear? Exactly what kind of crime did you commit? I was under the impression that very little is illegal in the Big Apple. And even if they lock you up, your current knowledge of the way buildings are constructed should give you an edge on how to break out, comparable to those three men at Alcatraz. But the safest thing to do, is whatever crime you committed, blame it on your three year old daughter. At her age, her punishment will be minimum, and she’ll be sent to something comparable to a kiddie prison. After you regain custody, hopefully she forget about the entire episode. However, if your child is the type of person that holds grudges, there’s a real possibility that you might wake up one morning with a shank in your chest. I hope this helps.
