Dear Blake,

I have a quick question. How long after a death should you wait to send a sympathy card, if the person wasn’t all that well-liked?

Signed, Frederick

From Topeka, Kansas

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Dear Frederick,

To my knowledge, there is no certain amount of days or weeks you should be waiting before sending out a sympathy card relating to someone that was unpopular. For the most part, the timing should be based on what you knew about the deceased loser. Here are some basic examples you should consider. If the person was a devout atheist, send a card stating, “I would like to say they are in a better place, but I doubt that they are.” Or, if the dearly departed owed you money, send the person closest to them a sympathy card, but also include a letter of demand, and the threat of a lawsuit if the debt isn’t satisfied. If the person who died was an individual that his family are happy to be rid of, within a week or so, send them a card that says “Congratulations!” However, if you genuinely didn’t like the man or woman that died, send the card immediately, and emotionally unload your true feelings to the recipient. You’ll know that your level of hostility was understood, if they tell you to stay away from the casket during the viewing, over concerns that you might turn it over. I hope this helps.
