BREAKING NEWS – Memphis, Tennessee – Al Gore states at a press conference, that the record snowfall and freezing temperature being reported across the United States is misleading and incorrect. He stated that the global warming effect has affected people intellectually and physically, giving them the illusion that it’s colder than what it actually is. He added that all of the thermometers are wrong, because the real temperature is at least 50 degrees higher than what the thermometer reads. His wife Tipper Gore, stated later in the day while being interviewed on CNN, “Now can you see why I wanna divorce this lunatic?”

5 Replies to “BREAKING NEWS”

  1. It is typical of Republicans to disregard Science, in favor of… whatever it is that guides your thinking. It is not properly called Global Warming – although there is plenty of that. It’s called Climate Change. Of which there is proof aplenty. Just because Fox News has decided to ignore the evidence, and the experts, that does not mean it doesn’t exist. You are a fool. You have been duped by mega-corporations and oil companies and by self-serving right wing nutjobs who get paid $millions to entertain the viewers of Fox “News”. But, at least, you didn’t (yet) repeat the argument of a certain Republican congressman that we need not worry about any problems associated with climate change because… of god’s promise to Noah. That would be the same Noah who loaded up dinosaurs onto his ark just a few hundred years after the creation of the universe. Most Republicans today are beyond pathetic.

    1. LOL, yeah, relax Chuck, it’s a joke. BTW the science is two sided. If you didn’t know that then you were duped. (Remember Climategate? most of the world realized this at that point when the leaders of Global Warming alarmism were caught doing exactly what you accuse the right of.) So take a breath, remember this site is satire. Then do some research with an open mind, and stop hating on everyone that disagrees with you.

      . . . Then again I could be wrong, and maybe Republicans are a cult that strives to bring about the end of days.

  2. Chuck, it sounds to me like you’re taking these subjects waaaaaaay too serious. Did you not read the disclaimer?

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