
BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – In an unscientific test of morals, Honest Tea went to the 27 largest cities across the country and set up stands, selling tea for $1. People were supposed to put a dollar in a box and take a bottle of tea, all on an honor system, and let’s just say, D.C. didn’t fare well.

Here are the top five most honest cities:

Atlanta, Georgia (100 percent)
Indianapolis, Indiana (99 percent)
San Diego, California (97 percent)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (97 percent)
Houston, Texas (97 percent)

In the nation’s capital which was at 37 per cent, four people including a senator actually took money from Honest Tea. When later confronted and asked to explain his actions, the unnamed senator said he “removed” the money with the sole purpose of using it to finance a program that he recently created that promotes integrity.