BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – The Food and Drug Administration has banned a chemical commonly used in pizza boxes because there’s a reasonable chance it could cause harm to consumers’ health. Food Safety News, an advocacy group that reports on foodborne illness outbreaks, recalls and changes imposed by the FDA, reported that the change applies to three types of perfluoroalkyl ethyl, which is used in food contact substances (FCS). FCSs work like water and oil repellents to prevent paper products, like pizza boxes, from getting soggy when they come in contact with greasy or fatty foods. One of many critics of the banning responded to this new report by saying, “The FDA is making a big deal out of nothing. Beer chugging pizza devouring slobs couldn’t care less about the contents of the box because most of these gluttonous ogres are often literally eat it, as long as the cardboard reeks of cheese and pepperoni.”