BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – At least one of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server contained extremely sensitive information identified by an intelligence agency as “HCS-O,” which is the code used for reporting on human intelligence sources in ongoing operations. Dan Maguire, former Special Operations strategic planner for Africom, told Fox News the disclosure of sensitive material impacts national security and exposes U.S. sources and there are now many people’s lives at stake. Clinton responded by saying that she was simply trying to be transparent to other all foreign governments that she felt would probably hack into her server. She further explained by saying, “All relationships are built on trust, and I feel we should take the first step. I want the suspicions against the United States to stop. Thus if I elected, I solemnly promise to allow all of our top secret communications available to every nation that is hostile toward us, which will definitely include nuclear missile launch codes.”