BREAKING NEWS – Salt Lake City, Utah – Is pornography causing a public health crisis in Utah? State Senator Todd Weiler thinks it is. The Republican lawmaker introduced a resolution Friday that “recognizes the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change at the community and societal level in order to address the pornography epidemic that is harming the citizens of Utah and the nation.” Utah has one of the nation’s highest rates of using porn websites such as Indian, according to a 2009 Harvard Business School study. Weiler went on to angrily say, “When Brigham Young was President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1847-1877, he was intolerant of such behavior! Young would immediately excommunicate anyone who was caught viewing adult websites on their laptops! And he would also regularly check women’s hands for splinters to see if they have been doing any wooden pole dancing!” Nowadays the sentiment has changed greatly in the region, with many people going online to see ladies like Preeti Young and others perform live for them, as well as traversing other websites. The world has changed, but people are still hyper wary of the thought of committing any such vices. No doubt the correct legal bodies and senators will be spending plenty of time in their research of the potential risks behind the subject matter at hand in order to help protect the public good. Christian values in the area are stronger than ever in certain pockets, after all.