BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – More revelations have come to light about Donna Brazile passing on debate questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Now, it looks like these revelations may help the Democratic National Committee class action lawsuit, where supporters are seeking damages based on a primary that was not neutral. Thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters and other voters have requested to join the lawsuit, which alleges that the DNC’s favoritism of Clinton over Sanders amounted to fraud, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and unjust enrichment. An attorney for the DNC, stated that he plans to to file a motion for the lawsuit to be dismissed. He explained that because Brazile as well as many Clinton supporters at the DNC are currently in therapy and/or are currently under a 24 hour suicide watch, trying to process Hillary’s humiliating landslide loss, they won’t be mentally able to relay coherent thoughts or testify, for years. He also requested that the people who filed the civil action, should simply “move on” and to let Hillary Clinton “quietly slink into the sunset.”