BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – MS-13 doesn’t fear prison, President Trump or even death. But there is one thing that scares the murderous Central American gang: La Sombra Negra. Spanish for “The Black Shadow,” La Sombra Negra is a mysterious paramilitary organization that is part death squad, part vigilante group, and dedicated to responding in extreme kind to MS-13’s ruthlessness. MS-13 members captured by La Somba Negra purportedly have been sexually tortured and dismembered before being dispatched with a bullet, their bodies left to be discovered by family or fellow gang members. Senator Chuck Schumer who is against President Trump’s immigration protocol commented on this issue. “It is insensitive and just plain old wrong for Trump to deport MS-13 members back to Central America. His heartless policy is no doubt going to cause many of these vicious killers in the United States, to be returned home and get brutally murdered.”