BREAKING NEWS – Richmond, Virginia – Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, in the span of just a few days, has been hit with new questions surrounding investigators’ case against their two highest-profile targets to date – a situation that threatens to disrupt the team’s momentum ahead of what could be a crucial bid to interview President Trump. A federal judge has challenged Mueller’s team for using material from an earlier investigation to go after ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, accusing them of merely trying to pressure him to give up damaging information on Trump. “You’re now using [that material] … as a means of persuading Mr. Manafort to provide information,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said in court. He suggested they want to make Manafort “sing” and only care about dirt that would lead to Trump’s “prosecution or impeachment or whatever.” According to an anonymous source, Mueller then handed Ellis a handwritten note that stated in part, “I gotta get Trump impeached. I gotta! The democrats have already paid me a boat load of money to get him out of the White House, and if I don’t, I have to give the money back… and I already spent most of it.”