BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo secured the release of 3 American hostages detained in North Korea ahead of the highly anticipated meeting with Kim Jong Un. “Three American prisoners held in North Korea have been released and are en route to the U.S. after a surprise diplomatic mission by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo”, President Trump announced. Pompeo is returning with the Americans, said to be in “good health,” after a brief visit to Pyongyang. Trump said he plans to greet them at Andrews Air Force Base when they arrive outside Washington. In a leaked letter written by Nancy Pelosi to Kim Jong Un, she was enraged at the three men’s release. “Why did you do this?” she asked. “This is going to make President Trump look good, hurt the democrats in the elections later this year, and possibly get Trump re-elected in 2020! You’re an idiot! If you were a real man, you’d shoot that plane down before it gets to the United States you roly poly son-of-a- #@%*!!!