BREAKING NEWS – Detroit, Michigan – A Michigan state Democrat apologized after calling her democratic opponent and the rival’s campaign staff “ching-chongs” – in reference to the candidate’s Asian heritage. State Rep. Bettie Cook Scott has come under fire after she hurled anti-Asian slurs at state Rep. Stephanie Chang during the primary election last week, the Detroit Metro Times reported. Scott reportedly referred to her opponent as “ching-chang” and “ching-chong” to voters outside polling precincts. She also allegedly made other offensive comments, including telling one of Chang’s campaign volunteers “You don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.” Chang later stated in regards to Cook, “I wonder how she would like it if I used the ‘n’ words in regards to her and told her she should go back to Africa.” Cook angrily responded by saying “If she said that to me I would punch her in the face, because we blacks are very sensitive about racial slurs hurled at us. And if she doesn’t understand these double standards, then she should move back to Hong Kong!”