BREAKING NEWS – Los Angeles, California – During a fiery speech, Congresswoman Maxine Waters latest allegation of discrimination, even had some democrat legislators shaking their heads. “I’ve been conducting an investigation on my own for a few weeks,” she told the crowd. “As soon as we democrats take back the House, we should focus on having the racist law of gravity repealed! According to my research, black people fall to the ground quicker than white people. This means that blacks are much more likely to sustain serious injuries than white people, after rogue cops throws one of us to the ground during their routine bogus arrests. So far, NASA has ignored every letter I sent them regarding this issue, and I think they will continue doing so, since that agency is secretly being run by the KKK, appointed by Trump. Who has a low I.Q. now Mr. President? I just exposed you! Impeach 45!”