BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – The FBI has announced that they are investigating several credible death threats from unnamed elected democrats in the Congress and Senate, directed at former New York Congressman Joseph Crowley, who lost to new Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. All of the letters were written by democrats that are still outraged he didn’t even bother showing up at the scheduled debate between he and Ocasio-Cortez one week before their election, which contributed heavily to his loss. Each individual boldly wrote the letters on their own stationery, and signed them. Not all of them were violent in nature. One of the angry democrats wrote to Crowley and stated, “It’s your fault that stupid air-headed idiot is getting national publicity and ruining our party!” Another democrat wrote, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Queen of Imbeciles, and your worthless a** crowned her!” The FBI did not give the details of the violent threats, but did say they were so graphic, that several of their agents vomited as they read them.