BREAKING NEWS – Muscatine, Iowa – Asked on the campaign trail if those imprisoned should have the right to vote, the Bernie Sanders from Vermont who’s making his second straight bid for the Democratic nomination answered: “I think that is absolutely the direction we should go.” He has long fought to restore voting rights for felons who’ve completed their prison sentences. Now the presidential candidate wants to go a big step further – arguing that those currently behind bars should be able to vote too. “In my opinion, voting booths should be placed in execution chambers so a condemned inmate can do his civic duty after having his last meal,” explained Sanders. “I also feel convicted pedophiles who want to have a say on who represents them, should be able to cast their ballot using small plastic colorful voting booths made by Fischer-Price Toys.” The Vermont senator then received a thunderous standing ovation with the final words in his speech. “I want to go on record saying I am actively seeking the endorsement of socialists that are killers and predators, because that voting block has been ignored too long!”