BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – Fox News Channel dominated basic cable for the month of April, beating news, sports, and entertainment networks in total day and primetime viewers, while rival news channel CNN continued to shed its audience. According to Nielsen Media Research, FNC garnered 2.4 million viewers in primetime and finished first among all basic cable stations for the third month in a row, and 1.4 million viewers in total day to top basic cable for the 34th consecutive month. For the 208th month in a row, FNC also beat left-leaning CNN and MSNBC across both categories, while CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total day viewers since October 2015, and since August 2015 in the key demographic of viewers age 25-54.
An attorney representing CNN and MSNBC, said both networks are considering filing and antitrust lawsuit against FOX. “FOX is trying to create a monopoly which is illegal in this nation,” their attorney explained. “I believe that I can easily prove in federal court that they are knowingly and intentionally taking advantage of the ongoing stupidity of people like Rachel Maddow and Andrew Cuomo to boost ratings and revenue. They know those two idiots are regularly misleading their audiences, and FOX is mercilessly using it to their advantage. We will be asking for an unspecified amount of damages, plus for FOX to have three hours of dead air in their primetime slots, because that will only be giving them a slight advantage over Maddow and Cuomo.”