BREAKING NEWS – Houston, Texas – Joe Biden’s questionable record on his involvement of civil rights in 1964 have resurfaced. “When I marched in the civil rights movement, I did not march with a 12-point program,” Mr. Biden thundered, testing his presidential message in February 1987 before a New Hampshire audience. “I marched with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes. And we changed attitudes.” When it was discovered that he was never in a “march” for civil rights, he changed it to, he was in a “marsh” in the Florida Everglades with Martin Luther King discussing civil rights. When that was also proven to be false, Biden changed it to he was toasting “marsh” mallows with MLK in Yosemite National Park, while talking to park rangers regarding the mistreatment of black bears. And when that was easily debunked, Biden went from “marshmallows” to “marshals”, alleging he met with Marshal Wyatt Earp, demanding to know why the famous lawman didn’t hire any African-Americans.