BREAKING NEWS – Miami, Florida – Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell was the first to launch a direct attack at former Vice President Joe Biden during Thursday’s Democratic primary debate, stating Biden should “pass the torch” to younger candidates by quoting then-Sen. Biden’s words to the now 76-year-old Democratic front-runner. “I was 6 years old when a presidential candidate came to the California Democratic convention and said it’s time to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans,” said Swalwell, a Democratic congressman from California. “That candidate was then-Sen. Joe Biden. He was right when he said that 32 years ago. He is still right today,” Swalwell explained. Biden shot back: “I’m holding onto that torch. I want to make it clear,” he said. “I may often forget where I am, and I may have difficulty at times completing sentences, but I’m still holding that torch… albeit with gnarled arthritic fingers.”