BREAKING NEWS – Montpelier, Vermont – Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders has pledged to American workers that he would institute a $15-per-hour minimum wage if he wins the White House in 2020. But unionized workers on Sanders’ own campaign say they wish he would start now — by paying a higher wage to them. According to a report, members of Sanders’ staff have been using the senator’s own campaign rhetoric against him as they try to wrestle more pay from the self-described democratic socialist. The Vermont senator responded to their demands. “They are looking at this all wrong,” explained Sanders. “Their demand for more money shows their focus is all wrong. If I yield to this request, they will demand more and more, until they become ambitious, start businesses, and eventually aspire to be in the 1%. I was hoping by me paying them as little as possible, it would keep them away from that capitalistic mindset. Apparently I failed. This is my fault, and I will take full responsibility for not being more aggressive in suppressing their greed.”