BREAKING NEWS – Chicago, Illinois – Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot clashed with Sen. Ted Cruz over the latest burst of gun violence in the city, claiming that Chicago’s decades-long crime problem is actually the fault of Republican-run states like Indiana – because they don’t have “commonsense gun legislation” in place. The retort came after Cruz, R-Texas, tweeted that “gun control doesn’t work” and pointed to the Democrat-run city as evidence that “disarming law-abiding citizens isn’t the answer.” His tweet referenced an article reporting that at least 25 people were shot in Chicago during Labor Day weekend amid a continuing crime wave in the city. “60 percent of illegal firearms recovered in Chicago come from outside IL—mostly from states dominated by coward Republicans like you who refuse to enact commonsense gun legislation,” Lightfoot tweeted. And later she added, “Cruz should mind his own business. Chicago is a very liberal city, thus it’s democrats shooting and killing other democrats. It’s none of the senator’s concern how we deal with violence within our own party. We’re used to it in this city, and it’s exclusively nosy outsiders who don’t understand our culture, that construe the daily shootings and executions as a serious issue that needs to be addressed, because citizens here don’t think it’s any big deal.”