BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – A since-retired federal immigration judge has been fined and barred from federal service for two-and-a-half years after she was found to have violated the Hatch Act by promoting then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s immigration plan during a 2016 deportation hearing. The U.S. Office of Special Counsel said that Carmene “Zsa Zsa” DePaolo – a former immigration judge who was employed by the U.S. Department of Justice but has since retired – has been reprimanded and disciplined by an administrative law judge on behalf of the Merit Systems Protection Board. She was fined the maximum possible civil penalty of $1,000 and slapped with a 30-month debarment from federal service. During a hearing, when asked what were her specific connections to Hillary Clinton, DePaolo responded, “Unless someone has some overwhelming evidence that Jeffrey Epstein’s death was actually a suicide, I have no comment on my dealings with the Clintons.”