BREAKING NEWS – Salt Lake City, Utah – Sen. Mitt Romney, took a series of shots at President Trump in an interview on HBO, saying that some of the president’s rhetoric appealed to racism and claiming that under his leadership, the U.S. was abandoning allied Kurdish fighters in Syria. “The places where I would be most critical of the president would be in matters that were divisive, that appeared to be appealing to racism, and those are the kinds of things I think that have been most, most harmful long term to the foundation of America’s virtuous character.” When asked what about the reputation of Mormons being bigoted toward blacks, Romney responded, “We Mormons have never been bigots. God does not like black people and there is no biblical scriptures that suggests that He ever will. Brigham Young and Joseph Smith told us that, so we have followed their divine teaching. President Trump is not God, however Smith and Young hung out with God and they relayed His divine perspective exclusively to Mormons. If the Almighty is against them, then who are we to buddy up with those hoopsters?”