BREAKING NEWS – New Hampton, Iowa – Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden called a man a “damn liar,” “fat” and “too old to vote for me” after the man accused Biden of getting his son Hunter a job with a Ukrainian gas company in exchange for access to the Obama administration. “You’re a damn liar, and that’s not true,” Biden snapped at the man during a campaign event as an audience of adults and children looked on. The former vice president Biden then challenged the man — who had also questioned Biden’s fitness for the White House given his age — to feats of strength, endurance and intelligence. “I’m not sedentary,” said the 77-year-old Biden. “You want to check my shape on, let’s do push ups together, let’s run, let’s do whatever you want to do, let’s take an IQ test.” This is not the first time Biden challenged someone that he felt was too confrontational. A few months ago in a town hall meeting after a man suggested to the former VP to start eating sweets to bring up energy level, Biden challenged him to a game of Candyland.