BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page is suing the FBI and Department of Justice, alleging that the government’s publication of her salacious text messages with anti-Trump ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok constituted a breach of the Federal Privacy Act.

In the complaint, the 39-year-old Page said she suffered numerous damages because of the disclosure, including a “permanent loss of earning capacity due to reputational damage” and “the cost of therapy to cope with unwanted national media exposure and harassment” at the hands of President Trump.

In a rally, Trump had passionately read from Strzok and Page’s text messages — even screaming out, “I love you, Lisa! I love you so much! Lisa, she’s going to win one-hundred-million-to-nothing. But just in case she doesn’t win, we’ve got an insurance policy!” Conservative commentators have disputed that Trump was mimicking an orgasm.

“President Trump mocked the way I sounded when I was with Peter at one of the cheap hotels we met at on and off the clock,” stated Page. “And for the record, I sound nothing like the president’s impression of me during the intimate moments, which can be easily proven by asking plenty of other FBI agents that I hooked up with over the years.”