BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – President Trump calls Dems ‘Liars!’ for deeming him a security threat – and then pausing impeachment. This, after the president tore into House Democrats overnight and into the morning over their handling of the impeachment process, calling them “hypocrites” and “liars” for allegedly seeking concessions in the Senate that Republicans were not afforded in the House — and for hitting pause on impeachment after stressing the national security urgency of it all. Nancy Pelosi responded in a tweet of her own. “I maintain the President is a security threat… to my re-election next year as Speaker of the House. This whole thing might blow up in my face, and I might be given the boot. Also, President Trump is not being real. If he thinks I’m going to sit back and let the republicans in the Senate pull the same crap that the democrats did in the House, then he is out of his freakin’ mind!”