BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – Mayor Michael Bloomberg says golf fairways would suffer if illegal immigrants were returned to their native country.

“You and I are beneficiaries of these jobs,” Bloomberg told his WABC-AM radio co-host, John Gambling. “You and I both play golf; who takes care of the greens and the fairways in your golf course?” The mayor also said 25 percent of undocumented immigrants are farm workers and many are home healthcare workers. “Nobody wants to deport them, in the end, because people need them to take these jobs and do the things that nobody else is doing,” Bloomberg explained. “And I’m pretty sure places like Goodyear and other tire repair shops do not want them deported, because many of those illegal immigrants employed at those places are very efficient at quickly removing wheels from cars that need repairs, because of their extensive experience of doing it daily with parked vehicles which usually angers the owners.”