BREAKING NEWS – Sumter, South Carolina – A South Carolina woman wanted for licking her hands and touching items at a local sandwich shop, was arrested Saturday after she was caught doing the same thing inside a grocery store, police said.

Shenir Gibson Holliday, 38, was taken into custody after police said they reviewed video footage inside an IGA supermarket in Sumter that showed her licking her hands and coughing before pulling on freezer doors and touching food items.

On her way out of the sandwich shop, witnesses told deputies that Holliday said, “It’s in God’s hands now,” according to Myrtle Beach’s WMBF-TV.

Al Sharpton weighed in on Holliday’s arrest. “This was clearly racially motivated,” began Sharpton. “With me being a ‘reverend’, I can say that Shenir Gibson Holliday is obviously a Christian, just like I am. She even invoked the name of the Almighty as she exited the sandwich shop. And if she is endowed with power as the Heavenly Father has given me, how do we know that her licking the various items didn’t have a purification affect on the objects? She may have saved lives! But as usual and as expected, white people always look at our actions in a negative light.”