BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. took Republicans to task who have previously mocked her background as a waitress by suggesting that they themselves can’t handle such a job.

The Democratic “Squad” member took to Twitter and spoke about the unique “work ethic” she brings to Congress while swiping conservative lawmakers.

“The thing that these conservative Senators don’t seem to understand is that I’ve actually had a physically difficult working-class job without good healthcare most of my adult life.” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “I bring that work ethic to Congress & to my community. They sit around on leather chairs all day.” She later added, “I believe that 99% of all blacks in America are poor, Jews are frugal which began with Moses because he was an influential tightwad, and at least 80% of all women in this country are secretly prostitutes, because their sexist husbands don’t give them enough money to budget their households.”