BREAKING NEWS – New York City, New York – As a biographer, Michael Shnayerson has spent years diving deep into the life of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. What he recounts for Vanity Fair is a past filled with alleged cheap shots, bullying and even abuse.

When Cuomo and his ex-wife Kerry Kennedy, daughter of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, were in the process of getting a divorce, a source close to the Kennedy family told Shnayerson that there were “instances of physical abuse.” The author also writes that Kennedy repeatedly slept in a locked bathroom during the period where her soon-to-be ex-husband still lived in the family home.

Cuomo commented on Shnayerson’s assessment regarding his wife. “First of all, I do not agree that there was any physical abuse in my marriage. Am I to blame that whenever we got angry toward each other, I repeatedly proven myself to have better boxing and MMA skills than she has? And yes, she locked herself in the bathroom, but she stopped doing that after she realized that I would regularly remove the bandages from the medicine cabinet.”