BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – Vice President Kamala Harris keeps assets in a tax-advantaged family trust, a move that appears to violate an ethics pledge she and President Biden made on the campaign trail.

According to Harris’ financial disclosure form, she has been a trustee of the KDH/DCE family trust since 2017. The trust’s assets “are not reportable,” according to the filing, effectively obscuring some of the vice president’s holdings from public view.

The trust is inconsistent with Biden and Harris’ campaign plan to crack down on such vehicles once in office. Biden and Harris pledged to work with Congress to “eliminate the trust loophole in existing financial disclosure law,” and Biden said he would “require that any member of his Administration who is a beneficiary of a discretionary trust disclose all of its holdings.”

“I know what I said while I was campaigning,” explained Biden. “But I condone what Harris is doing as a form of reparations. She explained that she has to hide it, or the ‘white man’ might come in and take it. I plan on eliminating the trust loophole, but only after I’m sure that every black person in this nation has safely hidden all of their money away from Caucasians.”