BREAKING NEWS – Washington, D.C. – The Biden administration offered rare condemnation of The Washington Post as well as The New York Times over tweets that hype the spread of the coronavirus among vaccinated Americans.

Ben Wakana, the White House Deputy Director of Strategic Communications & Engagement who also serves on the COVID-19 Rapid Response Team, was highly active on Twitter responded to viral tweets put out by two of the country’s biggest newspapers.

“Vaccinated people made up three-quarters of those infected in a massive Massachusetts covid-19 outbreak, pivotal CDC study finds,” the Post’s tweet read.

“Completely irresponsible,” Wakana reacted. “Three days ago we ordered the CDC to say that vaccinated individuals represent a VERY SMALL amount of transmission occurring around the country. And if it were true, why is the Washington Post saying this without even attempting to tie the outbreak to the Trump Administration? And here’s a warning. If they insist on holding us to the same journalistic standards as they do with republicans, they’ll have their White House press passes revoked!”